life of dr. mom
the evidence-based blog for expectant and new parents
Dr. Stephanie Liu is a Family Physician and Assistant Clinical Professor at the University of Alberta. She graduated from Columbia University with a Master of Science and completed her Doctor of Medicine at the University of Alberta.
life of dr. mom
the evidence-based blog for expectant and new parents
Dr. Stephanie Liu is a Family Physician and Assistant Clinical Professor at the University of Alberta. She graduated from Columbia University with a Master of Science and completed her Doctor of Medicine at the University of Alberta.

What is Respiratory Syncytial Virus?
Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) is the most common cause of lower respiratory tract infections in young children under 1 year old. What is RSV? Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) is a common virus that causes respiratory infections in young children. In most healthy children, it causes an infection just like the common cold. Symptoms of the common cold in babies include: cough, runny nose, irritability, change in appetite or energy, and fever. It peaks during the winter months, October/November through to early spring. RSV spreads mostly by direct contact – the same way the common cold spreads. Touching someone with an infection, or touching a surface that
A Step by Step Guide of how to sleep train
Sleep training is a personal choice and there are many happy thriving families that do not sleep train. My husband and I decided to sleep train our daughter Madi after 11 months of interrupted sleep. What is important to know
How to Increase Breast Milk Supply During Breastfeeding and Improve Lactation
Many new moms, including myself, worry about establishing and maintaining a good breast milk supply or how to increase breast milk supply. For the first few days after Madi was born, I struggled with breastfeeding so I supplemented with formula until I was able to improve
Jaundice and Newborns
Some degree of jaundice occurs in a large majority of all newborn infants. Jaundice is a condition where a newborn baby’s skin turns yellow. This can happen with any race or colour of the skin. Why Does Jaundice Occur So Frequently in
Safety of Suspended Baby Jumpers
A common question I have been asked is about the safety of suspended baby jumpers like the Jolly Jumper. Personally, both of my kids loved the jolly jumper from the start and would giggle almost the entire time they are

What is Respiratory Syncytial Virus?
Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) is the most common cause of lower respiratory tract infections in young children under 1 year old. What is RSV? Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) is a common virus that causes respiratory infections in young children. In most healthy children, it causes an infection just like the common cold. Symptoms of the common cold in babies include: cough, runny nose, irritability, change in appetite or energy, and fever. It peaks during the winter months, October/November through to early spring. RSV spreads mostly by direct contact – the same way the common cold spreads. Touching someone with an infection, or touching a surface that
A Step by Step Guide of how to sleep train
Sleep training is a personal choice and there are many happy thriving families that do not sleep train. My husband and I decided to sleep train our daughter Madi after 11 months of interrupted sleep. What is important to know
How to Increase Breast Milk Supply During Breastfeeding and Improve Lactation
Many new moms, including myself, worry about establishing and maintaining a good breast milk supply or how to increase breast milk supply. For the first few days after Madi was born, I struggled with breastfeeding so I supplemented with formula until I was able to improve
as seen on

Beta-Glucan is a fiber that has been shown in scientific studies to improve skin hydration and healing. Our Beta-Glucan is sourced and made in Canada. It is extracted with a technique that uses air technology, requiring no chemicals or solvents.
Soothing Beta Cream by Dr. Mom is a skin care product designed to provide relief from skin irritation. It contains beta glucans, which are natural compounds known for their ability to soothe and hydrate the skin. This cream has a gentle formula that helps to reduce redness, dryness, and itching associated with skin irritation, leaving your skin feeling soft and smooth.
children's storybooks
Introducing the newest release from By Dr. Mom! Madi Monkey is back with her second book. Join her as she dreams up what her Mom could possibly be doing at work.
my favourite things
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Does the food you eat during pregnancy impact your child’s food preferences?
I craved red peppers during both of my pregnancies and both of my kids love eating red peppers. This made me wonder, does the food you eat during pregnancy impact your child’s food preferences? What does the research show? The literature

I’m Pregnant, Can I Eat Deli Meats?
Deli Meats and Pregnancy I love charcuterie. And pizza. And sandwiches. I’m now in my second pregnancy and there never ceases to be comments about what you can and cannot eat while you are pregnant. I’ve often wondered we need to avoid deli meats

Breastfeeding and Plugged Ducts
Plugged milk ducts can be an uncomfortable complication of breastfeeding. It is estimated that up to two-thirds of breastfeeding women experience a plugged milk duct at some point. A plugged milk duct is a small area of breast tissue that does not drain milk adequately and

Signs That Your Child May Have a Speech or Language Delay
When Madi was 15 months old, we were at a play area and we met a little girl who was 16 months old. This little girl was speaking at a 3 year old level! She was speaking in almost full
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Dr. Stephanie Liu is a Family Physician and Assistant Clinical Professor at the University of Alberta. She graduated from Columbia University with a Master of Science and completed her Doctor of Medicine at the University of Alberta.