life of
dr. mom


Hair Tourniquet

I lost so much hair postpartum after Madi and George. With my increased shedding of hair, there were loose strands of hair not only all over the floors of our house, but also on my babes. Loose strands of hair on babies can be dangerous as it can lead to a hair tourniquet. What is

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Blocked Tear Duct

Blocked tear ducts are a relatively common occurrence in newborn babies.  It is one of the most common reasons for a baby to have persistent tearing and discharge from the eyes.  One study found that up to 20% of babies will have problems with tear drainage in the first year of life.   Causes of Blocked Tear Ducts The most

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Constipation in Children

I struggled with constipation as a toddler. Constipation is a very common problem in childhood and is a frequent reason children see the doctor. In majority of children with constipation, there is no medical cause identified, and is called functional constipation. Your doctor will diagnose constipation based on the history of symptoms, physical examination of your child

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Myths about Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in Children

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD, or Autism) is a disorder that begins in the child developmental period.  Its hallmark is problems with of social communication, social interaction, repetitive behaviours, and restrictive interests. The disorder affects every child differently.  Some children have mild difficulties in social interactions, which was formerly known as “Aspergers Disorder.” Other children may

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The Stomach Flu in Children: Gastroenteritis

Gastroenteritis, commonly referred to as “gastro” or “stomach flu” is a viral infection that may cause fever, stomach ache, vomiting and/or diarrhea. It occurs more commonly during fall and winter months. What can I expect from my child when they have the stomach flu? • Gastro infections can last 7 – 10 days! • Vomiting

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Toxoplasmosis and Pregnancy

Yes, it’s true.  You really are off the hook for cleaning the cat litter box while you are pregnant! While the risk of acquiring a toxoplasmosis infection from a cat litter box is very low, it makes sense to avoid the task if possible while pregnant.  What is Toxoplasmosis? Toxoplasmosis is an infection caused by the

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When Should I Give my Baby Peanuts?

Introducing solid foods to your baby’s diet is an exciting time for many parents.  But with that also comes some worries about potential food allergies.  Some foods are a higher risk for allergies than others.  Peanuts, milk and eggs are some of the more common culprits. Before starting medical school, I remember being told by relatives that we

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