life of
dr. mom


What are the Different Sleep Training Methods?

There are many methods of how to sleep train a baby. Modified Extinction, Unmodified extinction, and the Ferber method are all popular method of sleep training that involve systematic ignoring in children. I have tried a few of these methods, and wanted to share my personal experience in my journey on how we sleep trained

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What is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)?

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is the most common neurodevelopment disorder among children and teens. ADHD used to be called Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) but this is now outdated terminology.  ADHD is very common.  It is estimated that ADHD affects about 3.4% of children worldwide.  However the prevalence ranges across studies anywhere from 2-18% depending on the population

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How to Use Pacifiers Safely

Before I became a mother, I did not realize how attached an infant can be to their pacifier (soother). Madi loved her pacifier, and we lovingly nicknamed it “soo-soo.” Madi would reach for her “soo-soo,” call out for it, and we always make sure we had it in her diaper bag. During my pediatrics rotation

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Why do we Give Vitamin K to Newborns?

Vitamin K is a substance our bodies need to stop bleeding and form clots.  Vitamin K primarily comes from the food we eat, like green leafy vegetables, or fish, meat and eggs.   Babies are born with very little vitamin K in their bodies.  This puts them at risk for very serious bleeding problems if it is not

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Head Lice

One of the quickest ways to make your skin crawl is to hear that your child has head lice.  While head lice are an annoyance, these little bugs do not carry any diseases and do not pose a serious health risk.   What Are Head Lice? Head lice, or pediculus humanus capitis, are tiny little pale grey

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How to Introduce Solid Foods to Your Baby?

For the first six months of a baby’s life, they get all of the nutrients they require from their mother’s milk or from infant formula.  The exception is vitamin D – breastfed babies need vitamin D supplementation. A big milestone for many parents is introducing solids into their baby’s diet.  It is generally recommended that most babies are

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Do Tongue Ties Cause Breastfeeding Problems?

Madi did not have a tongue-tie and I struggled with breastfeeding her. George had a mild tongue-tie and I found it easier to get him to latch on during feeds, but found feeding him more painful. Does tongue-ties in infants make it more difficult to breastfeed and/or cause pain during breastfeeding? What is Tongue-Tie? Tongue-tie

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What is Thrush and What Can You Do About It?

Thrush, or oropharyngeal candidiasis, is a common infection in babies. It is a fungal infection caused by Candida that affects the mouth and throat. Candida is found on the skin and in the body and usually does not cause any infections.  But sometimes a baby can end up with thrush because they do not have a strong immune system yet.

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